Page 185 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 23 - 26
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also add that the wireless apparatus was in duplicate, and also that it had a spare battery by means of which it could be operated in case of the current being cut off from the dynamos of the ship consequent upon the flooding of the engine room. 24888. As I understand, it would take it either from the dynamos or from the emergency dynamos on the ship, and if both of those failed then it could get it from the storage battery which you supplied? - Yes, from the storage battery which was put up in the wireless cabin on the top deck. 24889. To meet any emergency? - Yes. 24890. You made use of an expression just now - I am not sure that I heard it quite accurately - that the installation was in duplicate? - Yes. 24891. What does that mean? - The essential parts of the apparatus were in duplicate. 24892. It does not mean that it was possible to transmit simultaneously two different messages? - No, my Lord. 24893. (The Attorney-General.) Those precautions were taken in order to ensure that so long as the vessel remains above water it would be possible to transmit signals from it? - Yes. 24894. That is the object of it? - That is the object of it. It was done in consultation with the White Star Line. 24895. With reference to the two operators, you have regulations facilitating a proper watch being kept, have not you? - We have regulations to that effect, but I should also say that in our agreement with the White Star Line it devolves on the Captain to see that the proper watch is kept, and that the operators are advised when a communication is expected. 24896. Do you make every month communication diagrams which are published and transmitted from your Company to the various lines, I suppose, using your system? - Yes, we do. We do it in order to facilitate knowledge of the times when communications are expected. 24897. I am not sure that your Lordship has seen one at an earlier stage of the proceedings. Perhaps your Lordship will look at this, and you will see what it means. (The document was handed to his Lordship.) This is the one for April, 1912. As I understand, the object of those diagrams is this: For example, in dealing there with the North Atlantic route, you cover that trade route and show at what points vessels going one way or going the other way will intersect? - Exactly, what time they are expected to intersect. 24898. That is to show approximately the time and position at which the ships may expect to be within range of each other? - Exactly. The Commissioner: When are these things prepared? 24899. (The Attorney-General.) Every month. The Witness: On data collected from the shipping companies. 24900. (The Commissioner.) They are prepared in your office in London? - They are prepared in our office. 24901. And then copies are sent to the different ships? - To the different ships and stations - Governments, and anyone interested in the matter. 24902. (The Attorney-General.) So that anyone can tell, for example, if he had that diagram in front of him, what ships he might expect to get within range of at a given date? - Exactly. Each day the operator, by looking at that diagram, can see which ships are likely - 24903. (The Commissioner.) To be within call? - Yes, to be within call, and likely to get into communication with him. 24904. (The Attorney-General.) And also coast stations? - And also coast stations. I might add that they have proved to be very useful. 24905. (The Commissioner.) Had the “Titanic” one of these on board? - I am not certain that she had. I cannot say, as a matter of fact, I was aware that she had. 24906. In the ordinary course of events she would have? - In the ordinary course of events she
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