Page 91 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 6 - 9
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to me of these rockets was that they were not distress rockets. 7335. Why was all reference to these rockets left out of the log? - If we had realised they were distress rockets we would have entered them, my Lord. 7336. Do you mean that nobody on board your ship supposed that they might be distress signals? - The Second Officer, the man in charge of the watch, said most emphatically they were not distress rockets. 7337. Is there anyone on board your boat who thinks that they were? - Not to my knowledge, my Lord. I have not spoken to any of the crew about it. 7338. (The Attorney-General.) Will you let me see the log. Who wrote it up? - The Chief Officer writes the log. 7339. (The Commissioner.) Mr. Stewart? - Yes; and initialed by each officer at his end of the watch. Mr. Dunlop: I have a typewritten copy of the log here if you would like to see it. 7340. (The Attorney-General.) I would rather see the original. (The log was handed to the Attorney-General.) My friend, Mr. Edwards, put some questions about what happened at the Court of Inquiry in America. I have the Report from America, and I think it is right to put this to the witness. (To the Witness.) I see you said this in answer to Senator Smith, in America: “When I came off the bridge at half-past ten I pointed out to the officer that I thought I saw a light coming along, and it was a most peculiar light. We had been making mistakes all along with the stars, thinking they were signals”? - “Most peculiar night,” I think that should be. 7341. It may be. “We could not distinguish where the sky ended and where the water commenced.” That is right, is it not? - Yes, that is what I have said. The Commissioner: When is this witness going to sea? 7342. (The Attorney-General.) When does your ship sail? - Saturday, Sir. 7343. (The Commissioner.) Where will you be in the meanwhile? - I am going back home, Sir. 7344. Where is home? - Liscard, Cheshire. 7345. (The Attorney-General.) 10, Ormond Street, Liscard, Cheshire? - Yes. Examined by Mr. DUNLOP. 7346. When did you go on duty on the Sunday morning? - I got up the usual time - 7 o’clock in the morning. 7347. And were you on duty the whole of that day? - I was on deck practically the whole of that day. 7348. Had you got reports from east-bound steamers of the presence of ice? - Yes. 7349. And were you keeping a look-out for ice in consequence of those reports? - I was. 7350. And I think on that day you encountered ice as we have heard? - We did. 7351. You retired to your chart room at 12.15? - 12.15. 7352. Did you undress? - No. 7353. Did you fall asleep at first? - I did not fall asleep before twenty minutes to one. 7354. And at 12.40 you got the report from the Second Officer that the steamer which had previously been seen was still in the same position? - Still in the same position. 7355. (Mr. Dunlop.) At 1.15, you have told us, you got a report - The Attorney-General: I do not quite know what this is leading to. My friend is supposing to be cross-examining this witness. If not, I think it would be better to allow him to tell his story himself. I do not quite appreciate what my friend’s position is. I quite understand that he is here for the protection of the master, and I am raising no objection to that, but in all the circumstances I think it would be better to let him tell a little of the story. Mr. Dunlop: I am coming to the part I want him to speak about.
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