Page 94 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 6 - 9
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the southward and westward of you, could you, in fact, have reached her before she sank? - What time did she sink? 7404. (The Commissioner.) Do not you know? - I have heard so many different rumours of that out in the States that I really do not know. 7405. What time do you think she sank? - Somewhere between 2 and 3. 7406. (Mr. Dunlop.) Assuming that she sank somewhere between 2 and 3, could you, in fact, if you had known at 1.15 a.m. in the morning that the “Titanic” was in distress to the southward and westward of you, have reached her before, say, 3 a.m.? - No, most certainly not. 7407. Could you have navigated with any degree of safety to your vessel at night through the ice that you, in fact, encountered? - It would have been most dangerous. The Commissioner: Am I to understand that this is what you mean to say, that if he had known that the vessel was the “Titanic” he would have made no attempt whatever to reach it? 7408. (Mr. Dunlop.) No, my Lord. I do not suggest that. (To the Witness.) What would you have done? No doubt you would have made an attempt? - Most certainly I would have made every effort to go down to her. 7409. Would the attempt from what you now know in fact have succeeded? - I do not think we would have got there before the “Carpathia” did, if we would have got there as soon. The Commissioner: You must leave this sketch with me. The Attorney-General: And perhaps we might keep the log till the other officers have been examined. The Commissioner: Mr. Dunlop, what is this long statement in pencil on this piece of paper? Mr. Dunlop: Something at the back, my Lord? The Commissioner: Yes. Mr. Dunlop: I have not seen that. I have only seen the plan. The Commissioner: There is a very long statement on the back. Mr. Dunlop: I have not seen that, my Lord. Perhaps that is something he wrote out. 7410. (The Commissioner - To Capt. Lord.) What is this long statement on this piece of paper on which you have made a chart? - They were the notes I made in Boston at the time I made the sketch. 7411. Are these notes supposed to tell the story from your point of view? - Yes, private notes I made. (The Witness withdrew.) JAMES GIBSON, Sworn. Examined by the SOLICITOR-GENERAL. 7412. Is your name James Gibson? - Yes. 7413. How old are you? - Twenty. 7414. Just give us your address? - 38, Railway Terrace, Southport. 7415. Were you an Apprentice on the “Californian”? - Yes. 7416. And on this night, between Sunday, 14th, and Monday, 15th, what time did you go on watch, on duty? - Twelve o’clock midnight. 7417. Was your watch the middle watch? - Yes. 7418. Twelve to four? - Yes. 7419. Which of the officers was in charge in the middle watch? - The Second Officer. 7420. Is that Mr. Stone? - Yes. 7421. He would be on the bridge? - Yes.
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