Page 93 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 6 - 9
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was supposed to have sunk and where we were. I suppose for the two or three miles all the way down to where she was it was studded with bergs and loose ice. 7384. If any vessel was proceeding in a south-westerly direction towards the place where the “Titanic” was she would encounter this field ice? - Yes. The Commissioner: You are falling into the error that the Attorney-General warned you not to fall into. You are putting the words into the man’s mouth. You might as well hand your proof to him and tell him to read it out. 7385. (Mr. Dunlop.) Did you prepare a rough sketch to show the position of the ice and also the course which you took from 6 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.? - Yes, I did, I drew a rough sketch of it. Mr. Dunlop: I would like your lordship to see the sketch he has made. The Commissioner: Hand it up. (The sketch was handed in.) The Witness: It is not to scale or anything. Mr. Dunlop: Does that sketch show the position of the field ice? - Yes. 7386. And the various icebergs? - Yes, and the various icebergs round. 7387. And it shows the course, does it, which you took to avoid the field ice on your way to the “Titanic”? - Yes. 7388. I think you had to cut through first of all 3 miles of field ice? - Two or three miles. Mr. Dunlop: That is between 6 and 6.30. Does your lordship see the three miles of field ice? 7389. (The Commissioner.) Where did you draw this thing? - I drew that in Boston, my Lord. 7390. Before you were examined in the American Court? - Yes. 7391. Where were you in Boston when you drew it? - Aboard the ship. 7392. Who was with you? - No one. 7393. You sat down and did it yourself? - Yes. 7394. (Mr. Dunlop.) Was that after you had been summoned to give evidence at the American Enquiry? - No. 7395. Before that? - Before. 7396. (The Commissioner.) What did you do it for? - After the statement that this man Gill made in the papers that we were supposed to have ignored the “Titanic” signals I knew at once there would be an Enquiry over it. 7397. You drew it for the purpose of showing that you had not ignored the signals? - I did it for the purpose of showing where we were and the course we traveled on our way down to the ship. 7398. But you wanted it in order to meet the charge that was made? - I did, my Lord. 7399. (Mr. Dunlop.) Your Lordship will see they first of all cut through three miles of field ice. (To the Witness.) Then at 6.30 you steered a southerly course and passed the “Mount Temple” and stopped at about 7.30? - Yes. 7400. Was there another vessel near the “Mount Temple”? - There was a two-masted steamer, pink funnel, black top, steering north down to the north-west. The Commissioner: Have you seen this rough sketch? The Attorney-General: No. The. Commissioner: Do you want to see it? The Attorney-General: Yes, I should like to see it. (The sketch was handed to the learned Counsel.) 7401. (Mr. Dunlop.) After 7.30 had you to navigate through the field ice again? - Yes, I ran along till I got to the “Carpathia” bearing north-east and then I cut straight through the ice at full speed. 7402. From 7.30 to 8.30? - We were not going through ice the whole of that time. We were running till it must have been about eight. 7403. Supposing you had known at 1.15 a.m. that the “Titanic” was in distress somewhere to