Page 3 - Wonder Book Of Ships - Life Of An Officer On A Liner
P. 3
THD SHIP'S OX'N'ICER,S Now, if you happened to be the first, person to go aboard the Maure- tnnia,for instance, and were to see the ship's compa,ny and afterwards rhe passengers approaching, you might be excused for u'ondering where they could all be put. Yet there is room on the gteat ship, and for more besides. First of all, you would see, as in the picture, a dignified group of eight or ten men, in blue suits, with brass buttons and various stripes of gold braid on their sleeves, and wearing gold- braided caps; these are the captain and the navigating officers, and immediately behind come 60 sailors. These constitute the deck - departmenL But they would not be able to move the ship an inch if it were not, for the chief engineer and his stafl of nearly 400 men, who have to see to the engines and the boilers and furnaces. It would never do to let all these people go hungry, so 50 cooks march on board, headed by a chief cook and his specialists, whose duty it is to see that all sorts of luxuries are appetisingly set forth at every meal. The cooks, holvever, arc too busy to serve tho meals thonrselves, so another army of 350 stewards comes aboard, headed by the purser and the chief stewards of the difierent classes. It seems a large number of stewards, but when you make a voyage and soo how mucb )t l.l ?RE OFTiCERS AND CRE]xl OT A OREAT CUNARDIB. lll
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