Page 5 - Wonder Book Of Ships - Life Of An Officer On A Liner
P. 5
THE SHIP'S OFT'ICER"S on such a vessel. There Tr".*\;lit are 500 saloon passengers, ',T1.11U,,,-i,i.. *' which means not less than ,*,, ..g, 'yisf'' ., 500 beds. Each bed will ; lr::.r'liT**i:llrfff: !ffid* o n-*X' ffi:''\- iu,lli'' "f;, sheets; and you may add i a quarter of the total to q the number to allow for l emergencies. The second' -*J saloon has the same num- )l ber of pa,ssengers, and they a,re equally provided for. l You must also allorv threo 'H towels for every pessenger. How many bedroom items alone are there ? The third "-i class must not be forgotten, and as 1,300 passengerb are carried there, you must add all the iter-ns for that class to tho total you have already calculated. Then we come to crockery, and. you mey take it that there Dt cruil.tlt aro fivo or six times &s TFN WEI,CO!'E CALL. many plates of various sizes thip'a buglar announoing that r moal is ready. in the ship as there are passengers.' Clean tablecloths daily at every table in tho saloon a,re the rule, and as accidents will happon, such as overturning a cup of tea or a plate of soup t'hen tho vesser rolls, a clean cloth must'take tho placo of tho stained one. Clean sorviettos by the thousand are another item to bo remembered, and. the knive and forks and spoons aro &s numerous as tho crockery. Everybody on board wants at least' three. meals & day, and the Board ot Trade stipulates that a considerable reserve of food must bo carriod in case the voyage is prolonged beyond the estimated time by any un- ut .,;;g ; ,, f ':hii ";",;..,*-,,1 i i"._,- . \. ..
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