Page 6 - Wonder Book Of Ships - Life Of An Officer On A Liner
P. 6
THE SHIP'S OX'T'ICERS - foreseen carne. How much food do you think has to be carried to feed all theso people ? Live animals cannot be taken, so the cold. storage rooms, deep down in the ship, are packed. In the poultry- room are about 2,000 fowls, I50 turkeys, 350 duclis, 90 geeee, 200 pheasants,400 pigeons, 250 partridges, 250 grouse, 800 quail, and 200 snipe, all cleaned and trussed in readiness for the cooks. About 40 oxen, cut up into sides or quarters, are in charge of the butchers, and provide roast beef for the hungry voyagers ; 80 sheep and 60 lambs,l0 calves, and 130 pigs, swell the larder, and there are thousands of eggs, and some tons of oatmeal, flour, tapioca, semolina, biscuits, and other similar foods. Illilk, butter, jam, fruit, soups, fish, tea, cofioe, cocoa, chocolate, 'wines, spirits, mineral waters, beer, and everything elso that can be thought of, whether it is in season or not, are included in tho shi1"s stores on each voyage. Tho scullery work is on an equally elaborate scale. To }crow how quickly potatoes can be peeled, compare the way they are done by hand with the electrical appliances on a large passenger ship. The washing up, in spite of steam-baths and special boilers of hot water, and the polishing of silver, keeps several men busy from early morning till late at night. And even then we have said nothing about the coals ! Tho picture on pa,ge f 17 will help to give you an idea of the enormous quantity that has to be carried even for a short voyage. What is known as the " shore department " attends to tho equip- ment, the passengers' accommodation, the food supplies, and sees that everything required for the working of the ship is sent on board. The chief shore-steward has to see that everything is suppliod to the steward's department, and in this he is assisted by the chief steward of the vessel, who receives reports from the different stewards under him. All the money accounts of the ship are kept by the purser, and as every item received on board or taken out of stores is duly checked, it will be seen that he has plenty to do. The engineering section is looked after by the chief engineer, who notifies the marine superintendent or chief shore engineer of the re- quirements of the engine-room, such as tools, spare parts, cotton wasto ond the quantity of coal wanted to fiIl the bunkers The chief engineer is responsible for all the ship's engines. He and his assistants-the big liners carry half a dozen or more, and no sea-going ship has less than two or three-keep them in order during the vcyage and carry out
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