Page 15 - Wonder Book Of Ships - Life On A Liner
P. 15
F' F t LIFE ON A LINER I containing the letters and papers b a;tached to a barrel or raft bearing a stafi and flug, and ti.rorn oserboard, and a, boat oomes from the shoro to pick it up, as rou see in the picture. Sometimes you may see one of the most beautiful sights in the world, a large, full-rigged sail- ing-ship, or four-masted barquo, bowling along before the trado r{-ind, rvith every inch of sail set, her canvas gloaming white in tho sunlight or reflecting the eYer- sarving hues of the tropical sun- sets. Nor can you miss those sunsets at sea in the Tropics if sou rvould; no one can describo their beauty ; they a,re alono 8y wrtay ofl (Ae Royal Mail Steam P@b.. Ce. rvortlr making a voyage, t'o gaza ETAVINO OVER,BOAR,D TIID MAILS TOR FTTTNA.YDO NOR,ONEA, NEAB BI'AZIL. upon and to marvel at. Then, also, in southern waters, you may see the albatrosses and other beautiful sea-birds. Some people are cruel enough to shoot them, and, as the ship cannot stop to pick up tho wounded birds, thp unfortunate creatures are left to bleed to death or die of starvation on the water. Those who must shoot can display their skill, or lack of it, by shooting at a bottle towed astern or suspended from the end of a spar. Some capt'ains are rather strict in enforcing the rule that no passenger shall uso firearms on board without permission, and no sea- faring man will ever hurt a seabird willingly, much less kill one, because many sailors believe that the souls of sailors drowned at sea enter tho bodies of the birds. To have, as passenger, a good timo at sea, be thoughtful for tho convenience of all with whom y,Ju como in contact; don't expect im- possibilities from the stewarde; help your fellow-travellers to enjoy themselves ; and you will be astonished at the number of friendships you will make and how much pleasure you will havo derived by the time tbo voyage is ended' R. A. nr,prcnnn.
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