Page 14 - Wonder Book Of Ships - Life On A Liner
P. 14
LIFE ON A LINBR other dances aro grcatly enjoyed on deck in the evcn- ings rvhile passing through the tropics, and no end of fun is caused when the costumes to be worn are decided by ballot and have to be im- provised in a given time. The fiorts ab T,IBRARY oN TTID LI,ANDo YERY CASTLE ., (uNroN-cAsrt-E LrNE.). v'hich the stcamers call are never-failing Bonrces of interest, and there is often time to go ashore for an hour or two. A great deal can be learnt, too, by comparing the different boats and boatmen at the various ports. The I\(oors still use surf-boats of tho type so useful to them rvhen they were knorvn as " the scourge of the l\fediterranea,n " ; in the Red Sea you will find the Arabs using rvhat is believed to be the oldest tvpe of sea-going open boat ; and at Bombay and Colombo you rvill make the acquaintance of canoes, both single and with outriggers. Farther East still are sa,mpans and junks, such as thoso shown in our pictures elservhere. Should the ves- sel be crossingtropi- cal se&s, there aro flying fish to bo noted, and often vou may see dolphins and porpoises show- itg holv fast they can swim. At somo of the \Vest fndian islands where tho Royal l\[ail Steam Packet Company de- livers tho mails, tho IIEIR,D-CLASS DININO SALOON ON A VESSEL OF TIIE R,OYAL I,INE. water-proof packet CANADIAN NORTHEBN R,..T,ILWAY. 80
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