Page 9 - Wonder Book Of Ships - Life On A Liner
P. 9
K- ,,/ I,IT'E ON A LINER, you it is time to get l -,_ up, perhaps bringing a cup of tea or coffeo and a dainty biscuit, & little attention most grown-up people appreciate at se&. A turn or two on deck gives & splendid appetite for breakfast, whioh will be finished by nine or ten o'clock. By.ourl..u on llhe Eoyal Ltail Pubct Co. Atl meals a,ro APAR.FIOETING. announced by tho ship's bugler, rvho takes his stand at difierent parts of the vessel in rotation. Sometimes the military call is given, sometimes the buglor indulges in fanfares which half a dozen motor cars could not surpass. But his a,ppearance is tho siqnal that dinner. or other meal, is ready, and that Is the principal consideration. Luncheon is served about one o'clock, and afternoon tea at four. There are many ways in which passengers pass the rest of their time. Promenading the spacious decks is a favourite form of exerciso. When you wish to sit down, the deck steward will hasten to supply you with a deck lounge and cushions. A deck chairis usually hired in advance for the voya,ge. Tho speed of the ship is a never-faili.g sourco of conversa t ion every morning, and mbst passengers take a share in the many guessing com- petitions which aro arranged, prizes be By @urtay on Un4 Rot4l Stcam Pa.&a h ing given to thoso A POTATO RACE.
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