Page 6 - Wonder Book Of Ships - Life On A Liner
P. 6
LIN'E ON A LINER ,fr T"":fi :,TH1"",:J"ffi ";"ffi ;IJl:n.;"::,:;;Jil|,, Bmall tables, seating four or six persons at each ; the apartment is so large that all the passengers can dine at once. On some vessels long diping-tables aro still retained, a comfortable revolving chair being pro- vided for each passenger. Some of the newer boats on the Trans- atlantic route havo also restaurants, where a passenger can d.ine as ho pleases instead of going through all tho courses of the set dinner. The dining-saloons aro placed well abovo tho level of the sea, and in warm weather it is very pleasant to sit by the open window during the meal. The deck above the dining-room is frequently cut away in order to form a balcon;r all round, and here are more dining-tables. In this compartment, also, the orchestra is placed, and it is cus- tomary to surmount the rvhole apartment with a beautiful stained- glass dome, the total height of the room being from 18 to 20 feet. In all parts of the ship .electric light isthe rule, and in most steamers all the sleeping accommodation, of whatever class, is ventilated by electric fans.
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