Page 10 - Wonder Book Of Ships - Life On A Liner
P. 10
'\ . LIX'E ON A LINER, who most nearly guess the number of miles covered each dry. Some passengers make friends with the engine-room staff, and try to learn whether there have been any variations in the speed, but this is not fair. The day's run is generally posted up at the head of the grand staircase, orinsomo other conspicuous place, andonsomo eteamers the captain thoughtfully sends a copy to each of the other classes on board. The figures are announced as soon after the captain ha,s " taken the sun " as they can be computed. " Eight bells," calls the captain, and immediately a sailor in atten- dance gives the ship's bell four pairs of strokes. This is noon, and the ship's time will be regulated from it until next midday. If you aro travelling to the east you will find that you have gained time and your watch has lost since the provious midday, but if you are westrvard bound your watch will be fast. Thus, in crossing the l80th meridian eastward in the Pacific, you will have a week of eight days, but only one of six days if you are travelling westward. $ouretimes signals are ex- cnanged wrth passrng ships, in the manner explained in another article, and very pretty it is to. watch the flags being hauled up to the masthead and then " broko out," as sailors say. The flags, you will notice, are folded in such q way that a tug on the rope or halliards releases thern and threo or four are flown to the wind together. Cricketers are enabled to in- duJge in their favourite game on a cocoa-nut matting pitch, with nets to prevent the ball from falling into the sea. Some passengers like to take exercise in the gym- nasium or on the rowing machines. Deck quoits, too, area favourito ,! @.$taal on Wu noyal Mail thmt Putct Oc. TILTTNO TEE BSCKET. amusement. There are several
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