Page 23 - Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineers Vol CXCV 1913-14 Part 1
P. 23
|r,r'norling8.] TEE "WHITE STAR" DOCI( AT SOUTHAMPTON, 63 \l'tr,r, l,lre floor had matured for 2 months, ships'ashes were tipped rr11,f i1, to bring the ground up to quay-level. Coupl,nrsor oF DTFFERENT TypEs oF Quay-WALL. ll, rrrny be of interest to compare the three types of quay-wall ,l,,rcrilrcd in this Paper. 'l'lro t:heapest and most expeditious was the wall built in the dry l"r' lx)rtion A, which was designed for a depth of 40 feet below L. W.O.S.T. It will be remembered that the ground was excavated rrr t,lrr: open down to 30 feet below quay-level, below which trenches rrr!r'(| sunk to the foundation. This wall cost about J65 per lineal l',url,, inclucling excavation, concrete, filling, decking, etc., complete. 'l'lrosc prlrts which rvere built in deeper trenches were more expen- 'ir',,. Thewall was built at the rate of about 70 feet per month, \\ lr,n no delays from accidents were encountered. 'l'lro wall for porbion B, built by divers in deep water, was natur- ,,ll.y slower and more costly than that for portion A. The south ,'rrrl of berth No. 47, where the depth is 40 feet at L.W.O.S.T., cost rrlxrtrt Jl17 per lineal foot complete, and'was constructed at the rrrlo of about 20 feet per month. The walls at berths Nos.48 rrrrrl {9, where the respective depths are 30 feet and 25 feet below l,rrv water, were considerably cheaper than this, averaging about l-7:l per lineal foot. 'llho wall for portion C, which was built in the heart of the ,,rrrfirsing bank, although designed for a depth of only 32 feet below |,.W.O.S.T., proved to be the slobest nrl'd., gro rala, the most of all. Including the platform behind it, this wall co-.t '.\lx)nsive rrlxrrrt J96 per lineal foot, and was built at the rate of about 20 feet ;r,r' rnonth. The higher cost here was due to the ertraordinary ,lillit:ulty of sinking through running sand, and to the fact that the rvrlll rvas close to the deep channel, from which water continually rrrrrrlo its way into the trenches, causing the serious blows that lrrr,vo been described. The foregoing figures giving the speed of lorrstruction include the time occupied in excavating and filling and l,.y incidental delays. EqurnunNt, Shcds anil Railroaila.-The basin is provided with four cargo- ,,lrrrrls, each about 600 feet long nnd 120 feet wide. The front face ,,f c:r<:h shcd is 35 feet from the cope-line, and on the quay-space t.lrrrs provided are placed two railroads and a road of 18 feet gauge [r,r't]re travelling cranes. Insido the shed are two other railroads,
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