Page 28 - Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineers Vol CXCV 1913-14 Part 1
P. 28
68 WENTWoRTH-SHEILDS oN THE coNsrRucrloN ox' [Mioutes of This formutrr assumes that the supporting-power of the earthy material unilerneath the wall is proportionol to its depth below the surface, encl although many eugineers do not admit this inference, it seems to be rational &nd to accord rvith experience. In this case, taking zu as 120 lbs. per cubic foot and p as 15o (safe), the safe pressure on the foundation was found to be 4'8 tons per squarefoot, which is the s&me as the calculateil pressure. In tho caso of the wall for portiou B, which was built iu the water, simi}u calculations rvere made. The weighb of backing behind the wall, consisting urostly of shipe' ashes, wos assumed to be 100 lbs. per cubic foot, an
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