Page 24 - Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineers Vol CXCV 1913-14 Part 1
P. 24
64 wENTwoRTIT-SEEILDS oN THE coNsTriucrloN oF fMinutes ol one in front and one at the back, and outside the back of the shed are other railroads and cart-roads. As will be seen from the cross section of the shed (Fig. 12, Plate 2), the floor slopes upward from front to back, so that while the front part is at quay-level, the back part forms a platform from which passengers and cargo can be entrained on the back railroad. Along the front of the shed runs a high-level balcony, by which passengers can pass to and from the ship. This balcony communicates with the floor of the shed by two wide staircases. Each shed is also provided with offices, lavatory accommodation, cages for bonded cargo, etc. The framing of the sheds is of steel, the sides being covered with corrugated steel sheeting and the roofs with timber boarding and felt. In the first sheds the buildings were glazed both on the sides and on the roof, but in the later sheds the side lights were abolished, as the roof- lights proved to be much more efficient. The stanchions of the sheds are supported on piles of plain concrete driven on what is known as the " Simplex " system,r which has proved satisfactoly. The decking of the sheds and of the quay-space between them and the dock-wall consists of timber planks laid on sleepers. This type of decking was adopted as it was mostly laid on newly-made ground, where a floor was needed which would settle without breaking, and which could be easily taken up in order to lift and pack the railroads. The steelwork of the sheds was entrusted to Messrs. Ileenan and Froude, Ltd., of Manchester, and to Messrs. E. C. and J. Keay, Ltd., of Birmingham, and the other work was carried out hy the general Contractors, Messrs. Topham, Jones and Railton, Ltd, Cranes.-Flach berth is being equipped with electric travelling clanes, built by Messrs. Stothert and Pitt, of Bath. Two types are used, lifting 5 tons, and 35 cwt. or 2 tons, respectively. Eaph has a radius of 60 feet and a total lift of 100 feet. They are provided with Mitchell-'Williams luffing-gear, and the motors aro rated ns under:- 35-qwt. and 5-Ton Cranes. 2.Ton Cranes. Lifting . 50 B.HP. 35 B.HP. Sluing .10 7,, Luffing .10,' 7,, Continuous currcnt at 480 volts is supplied to the cranes from the centrnl stltion on the docks, The ground connecting-boxes are placed 40 feet apart, above the trench which carries the mains. Li11htin11.-:.yho liglrting of the quays is done by lO-ampere t' Sxcello " tlrrplcx orc-lilurl)s alr&nged four in series, and the lighting I Minutos of Proceedings lust. C.E., vol, clxxi, p. 147.
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