Page 25 - Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineers Vol CXCV 1913-14 Part 1
P. 25
(' lrrrr.oodiugs.l TIIE WHITE STAR " DocK AT soUTHAMpToN. 65 lf l,lro sheds by 5-ampere.. Jandus" regenerative arc-lamps arranged I u'o in series. The offices, etc., are lighted by metal-filament lamps " rvil,lr Ilolophane " refloctors. Continuous current at 240 volts is rrrp,plied to all lamps from the central station. I'tt;scnger-Gantries.-Owing to the great height abovo quay-level' l[ tlre passenger-entrances on ths la,rger White Star liners, it has lnr,rr rrecessary to provide travelling stages or bridges, to allorv the lxlslicngers to embar* and disernbnrk. These stages, which are rrrofod, enablo the passengors to cross between tho ship and the highJevel balcony in front of the shed (Fig. 12, Plate 2). Othcr Equipment.-The bollards are of the hook-post type, and rl'crc fixed on the edge of the cope, so that the ropes should not foul llrc railroads on the quay, Each bollard consists of a cast-iron ,''rsing bolted to the wall and reinforced with old-rail ties which are r.oucreted into the casing end carried down into the heart of the rv:rll. Tho bollnrds, which are designed to bear a safe pull of l)0 tons, aro shown in Figs. 13, Plate 2, which also illustrate the rrurshroom bollard used on the jetty (berth No. 42). Personnel.-The whole of the works were designed at the Lonrlon rrnd South Western Railway Company's offices at Southarnpton. Mr. W. R. Galbraith, formerly Yice-President Inst. C.8., was retained rrs Consulting Engineer; and the Author, as Docks Engineer to the (lompany, superintended the designs and construction. Mr. II. P. lloap was Chief Assistant in charge of new works. To him and to lhe staf who assisted him so ably, the Author's best thanks .are rlue, The Contractors rvere Messrs. Topham, Jones and Railton, l,td., and the successful completion of tho works in spite of diffi- t'trlties is largely due to their energy and enterprise. They were represented at Southampton by Mr. R. I[. Taylor, and later by Mr. J. Stevenson. The Paper is accompanied by fourteen drawings, from which l'lates I and 2 and the Figure in the text have been prepared, and hy the following Appendixes. Alruxorxrs. f rnn rxsr. c.E. vor,. cxcv,l F f
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