Page 42 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
P. 42
16720. You took no notice of that message, but went on with your accounts? - Yes. 16721. For something like an hour and a half? - No. 16722. How long? - Between a quarter of an hour and 20 minutes. 16723. I thought it was an hour and 20 minutes? - No. 16724. And then you got it again? - Yes. 16725. And then you took it down and did not put it in an envelope? - No. 16726. But took it to the bridge and gave it to an officer on the bridge? - Yes. 16727. The only difference is that I thought there was an interval of more than an hour between getting the first message and getting the second message? - No. 16728. (The Solicitor-General.) I am going to ask your Lordship to allow me to test it, because it is important to get the time. (To the Witness.) Take this in your hand. You will see it is a “Californian” procès-verbal. You are familiar with that sort of document (Handing same to the Witness.) Do you see the page before you is the page for the 14th April? - Yes. 16729. And is it the “Californian” procès-verbal? - Yes. 16730. Did you see an entry about exchanging Trs. with the “Titanic”? - Yes. 16731. What is the time? - Five-twenty. 16732. Is that New York time? - Yes. 16733. If it is 5.20 New York time, it would be later according to your ship’s time, would it not? - Yes, ship’s time. The Commissioner: It would be about 7.20. 16734. (The Solicitor-General.) Yes. (To the Witness.) Do you know Mr. Evans? - Yes. 16735. That is the operator on the “Californian”? - Yes. 16736. He has given evidence, you know, and he says at half-past 7, ship’s time, there or thereabouts, the “Titanic” stated that they had got a message about the ice, about the three icebergs; he puts that at half-past 7, you see. Now, Mr. Bride, does not that correspond with his entry 5.20 New York time? - [No answer.] The Commissioner: Put it to him again. The Solicitor-General: I do not wish to seem to be pressing him. The Commissioner: No. It is because I do not want him to be bothered that I want you to put it to him again. 16737. (The Solicitor-General.) I put before you just now, and you have before you now, the procès-verbal of the “Californian”? - Yes, 5.20 Trs. with M.G.Y. 16738. Is not “M.G.Y.” the “Titanic”? - “M.G.Y.” is the “Titanic.” It says on the top “New York time.” 16739. And do you agree that 5.20 New York time would mean on your ship something like half-past 7? - Yes. 16740. And are not all those entries on that procès-verbal made in order of time line after line? - Yes. 16741. Just give us the time immediately in front of the one I called your attention to? - 5.5. 16742. That is 15 minutes before; what is the time immediately following the one I called your attention to? - 5.35. 16743. You have no doubt those entries were made at the time when each thing occurred? - I have no doubt at all. 16744. Does not that show that there were messages being exchanged between the “Titanic” and the “Californian” at 5.20? - Yes. Perhaps you had better look at the message which at that time was being sent by the “Californian” about 7. Is not that better, my Lord? (To the Witness.) Just see if you can help us now about it (Handing message to the Witness.) The Commissioner: There is no record in the procès-verbal of the “Californian” of two