Page 45 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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16793. On the Sunday? - There was nothing the matter with the apparatus on the Sunday. 16794. When you reported at 12, you did not hear from Mr. Phillips whether there had been any defect? - Apparently there had not been considering the traffic he had got through. Examined by Mr. HARBINSON. 16795. (Mr. Harbinson.) I should like to ask two questions, if I may. (To the Witness.) Do you remember how long it was after the collision when you learned that the “Carpathia” was coming to your assistance? - The “Carpathia” was the second boat to answer our call. 16796. Can you remember how long that was after the collision? - No, I could not tell you; it was within a very short space of time after we sent out our first distress signal. 16797. And you took that message to the Captain, you told us? - Yes. 16798. Now, do you know if the Captain communicated the substance of your message to any of the officers or to the crew? - I passed the word myself, as I went to find the Captain. 16799. To whom did you pass it? - To anybody whom I happened to go close by. 16800. Did you pass it to any of the officers? - Not to my knowledge. 16801. But you gave it out that the “Carpathia” was coming to your assistance? - Yes. (The Witness withdrew.) Sir Robert Finlay: Now I want to recall Mr. Lightoller. CHARLES HERBERT LIGHTOLLER, Recalled. Further examined by Sir ROBERT FINLAY. 16802. You have heard that a message was sent, according to the evidence, to the “Titanic,” for transmission to Cape Race, from the “Amerika”? - Yes. 16803. Which would reach the “Titanic” about 2 p.m.? - Yes. 16804. You know the nature of that message? - I heard it, yes. 16805. And that a message is said to have been sent from the “Mesaba” which could not reach the “Titanic” before about 10 p.m.? - Yes. 16806. You have heard that? - Yes, I have heard of that also. 16807. Did you ever hear of any such messages? - Nothing whatever. 16808. What was the course of business with regard to messages which are communicated by the Marconi operators to the Captain or officers? - It is customary for the message to be sent direct to the bridge. If addressed “The Captain,” or “Captain Smith,” it is delivered to Captain Smith personally, if he was in the quarters or about the bridge. If Captain Smith is not immediately get-at-able, if not in his room or on the bridge, it is then delivered to the senior officer of the watch. Captain Smith’s instructions were to open all telegrams and act on your own discretion. 16809. And are you positive that you never heard anything of either of those telegrams? - Absolutely positive. 16810. What were you doing during the day; just recapitulate in this connection what you were doing. In the afternoon, about 2 o’clock, where would you be? - I was below. 16811. When did you come up? - At 6 o’clock. 16812. And from 6? - From 6 till 10, with the exception of half an hour for dinner. 16813. You were on the bridge? - I was. 16814. And nothing was said by anyone about such telegrams? - There was no telegram
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