Page 47 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 14 - 18
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the Sixth Officer to let me know at what time we should reach the vicinity of the ice. The junior officer reported to me, “About 11 o’clock.” (Q.) Do you recollect which of the junior officers it was? - (A.) Yes, Mr. Moody, the Sixth. (Q.) That would involve his making some calculations, of course? - (A.) Yes. (Q.) Had this Marconigram about the ice, with the meridians on it, been put up; was it on any notice board, or anything of the sort? - (A.) That I could not say with any degree of certainty. Most probably, in fact very probably, almost certainly, it would be placed on the notice board for that purpose in the chart room. (Q.) At any rate, when you gave Mr. Moody those directions he had the material to work on? - (A.) Exactly. (Q.) And he calculated and told you about 11 o’clock you would be near the ice? - (A.) Yes.” Then the next question and answer: “That is to say an hour after your watch finished? - (A.) Yes. I might say, as a matter of fact, I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Moody did not take the same Marconigram which Captain Smith had shown me on the bridge, because, on running it up just mentally, I came to the conclusion that we should be to the ice before 11 o’clock by the Marconigram that I saw.” Then your Lordship says: “In your opinion, when, in point of fact, would you have reached the vicinity of the ice? - (A.) I roughly figured out about half-past 9. (Q.) Then had Moody made a mistake? - (A.) I should not say a mistake, only he probably had not noticed the 49° wireless” - that is the “Caronia” one you had seen? - Yes. 16825. “There may have been others, and he may have made his calculations from one of the other Marconigrams. (Q.) Do you know which other Marconigram he would have to work from? - (A.) No, my Lord, I have no distinct recollection of any other Marconigrams. (Q.) Because it is suggested to me that there was no Marconigram which would indicate arrival at the ice-field at 11 o’clock? - (A.) Well, my Lord, as far as my recollection carries me, Mr. Moody told me 11, and I came to that conclusion that he had probably used some other Marconigram”? - Exactly. 16826. As a matter of fact, if one takes the Marconigram, for instance, from the “Baltic,” which we proved today, it would give a later time than 9.30, and it would bring you to something like 11 o’clock. Have you noticed that? - No, I have not. I think it will be found so. Sir Robert Finlay: Which message? 16827. (The Solicitor-General.) I am calling his attention to the circumstances. The “Caronia” message mentioned your getting to ice as soon as you got to the 49th meridian? - Exactly. 16828. I do not like to make a suggestion unless the Admiral thinks it is correct, but I think that is substantially so. (To the Witness.) You see what I mean? - Yes. 16829. And your impression at the time was not that Mr. Moody had made a mistake in his calculations, but that he had used another Marconigram? - Exactly. You will quite understand that all I am quoting is purely from memory. I am trying as much as I possibly can, of course, to assist, and it is just these mere facts as I recollect them with regard to 11 o’clock. There is nothing to identify 11 o’clock in my mind, merely what I recollect, and also with regard to the Marconigrams. I put that down as the most feasible explanation of the 11 o’clock, but I cannot say, of course, that Mr. Moody actually had seen other Marconigrams. 16830. Oh, no; you have been perfectly fair and candid about it, as far as I am concerned, if I may say so. You did not ask Mr. Moody to make the calculation again or check it? - No. 16831. You accepted his statement that his calculation showed 11 o’clock? - Yes. 16832. I think one also ought to put it from this point of view. Let me take these telegrams in order and see which of them would come in your watch, as far as one can judge. Your watch was from 6 to 10 a.m. and 6 to 10 p.m.? - Exactly. 16833. You also, I think, relieved Mr. Murdoch, you told us, between half-past 12 and 1, at lunchtime? - Yes. 16834. And during your evening watch, from six to ten you were off for a certain time to dinner? - Exactly. 16835. Now those are the times for which you are responsible. The “Caronia” message by your