Page 117 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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every member of the crew, this scale would require to be considerably modified, would it not? - Yes. 21684. I see if you had 48 boats, with carrying capacity of 60 in each boat, you would require 28,000 cubic feet instead of 9,000 cubic feet? - Yes. 21685. So that if you provided a crew of deckhands on this scale, the crew would require to be considerably augmented? - On that scale they would be. 21686. How many deckhands do you think it would be desirable to have for each boat? - It depends for what purpose. 21687. I mean for working lifeboats? - For pulling lifeboats or for lowering lifeboats or for what? 21688-9. You say you carry a certain number of men corresponding to the number of lifeboats you have at present? - Yes. Have you any view of your own as to how many seamen you require for each lifeboat? The Commissioner: That does not help me much, because it appears to me to depend entirely upon the weather. Mr. Scanlan: That is so, my Lord. The Commissioner: You see in this particular case, as far as the passengers were concerned, it was very desirable that very few men should be taken on the boats. The fewer sailors in the boats, the better for the passengers, in this particular case. 21690. (Mr. Scanlan.) Yes, of course, my Lord. We have heard from Mr. Sanderson and this gentleman that every one in the shipping world is waiting on your Lordship’s decision in this case to decide as to what lifeboats they are going to carry, or they are waiting on the Board of Trade to do something. They have been waiting a long time on the Board of Trade. Now here is the Regulation of the Board of Trade relating to deckhands. If there is any Order made as to increased boat accommodation some revision of this scale would be necessary, and I am taking this Captain as one who will be able to give some advice on it. (To the Witness.) How many seamen do you think should be attached to each lifeboat? - For what purpose? 21691. For the purpose of any emergency - the purpose for which lifeboats are carried on ships? - Two men accustomed to boats. 21692. That would be two deckhands? - Not necessarily two deckhands. 21693. Would you require one deckhand? - One deckhand. 21694. For each boat? - Yes. 21695. You heard Mr. Sanderson in his evidence say he thought you should have two seamen in each boat? - Not necessarily seamen as long as they are accustomed to boats - as long as they know anything about a boat, it is not necessary that they should be sailors. 21696. Would you desire any sailor? - Yes. 21697. One? - At least one. 21698. At least one? - Yes. 21699. Does that mean two? - No. 21700. (The Commissioner.) Are you an Irishman? - I am not, my Lord. 21701. (Mr. Scanlan.) Would not you require one for the tiller and one for the sails? - You are talking about when the boat is lowered into the water? 21702. Yes? - No. As long as one of them is a seaman that can handle the tiller it is not necessary for there to be a sailor in the boat. 21703. You have sails in the boat, and only a seaman would be able to manipulate the sails? - Not necessarily so. I have seen stewards just as good in a boat as a sailor, and a fireman as well. Mr. Scanlan: If specially trained to the drill. We had some evidence with regard to the lowering of the boats which seemed to indicate confusion in the minds of the officers of the “Titanic” as to whether they could lower the boats from the boat deck, and then have the boats
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