Page 119 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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21721. It was not for any other purpose, was it? - Yes, they put other things in. 21722. (The Commissioner.) What occurs to me, Captain Bartlett, is that it would be far better, if you are right, that there should be no binoculars there at all; they would be a sort of temptation to the man to be doing something he ought not to do? - I do not agree to binoculars in the look- out cage at all, my Lord. 21723. (Mr. Scanlan.) A suggestion has been made that for the discovery of ice the best position for the look-out man is at the stem head. Do you agree? - In hazy weather, yes. 21724. And at night when ice is expected? - Not a clear night, no. 21725. On a night when it is difficult to see? - It is hard to see how that can be if it is clear. 21726. With regard to the collapsible boats and the Englehardt boats, are they a new invention? Is it only very recently that Englehardt boats have been used by you? - Yes, quite recently by us. The “Olympic” was the first. 21727. From the evidence that we have had in this case, does it appear to you that they were not quite well understood by the crews? - I think they were. 21728. You think they were? - Yes. 21729. (The Commissioner.) If you think that, how do you account for the fact that one of the Englehardt boats was never launched at all? - That was the last boat, I think, my Lord. It was on top of the officers’ house. 21730. Yes, that is it? - The ship was then near foundering when they went to take that boat away. I do not think they had sufficient time. 21731. (Mr. Scanlan.) Do not you think it was an improper place for this Englehardt, to have it on the top of the officers’ house? - Not at all. 21732. It was a proper place? - It was a proper place. The Commissioner: I think the evidence, Mr. Scanlan, is that that boat was thrown on to the deck. Is not that the evidence? Mr. Scanlan: I think so, my Lord. The Attorney-General: Yes. Mr. Scanlan: But there was such a list then that it was impossible to move it. The Commissioner: And it was swept away by the water into the sea. Mr. Scanlan: Yes. The reason I ask that question is, I observe in the evidence of Mr. Lightoller in America, that he did not consider that was a proper position for it on the top of the officers’ house. It was not put to him here. Sir Robert Finlay: No suggestion has been made before that this was an improper position. The Commissioner: I think so, Sir Robert. Sir Robert Finlay: Not here, I think. The Attorney-General: Questions have been asked about it in the course of the Enquiry as to whether that was a convenient and useful place for it. Nothing more has been said. Sir Robert Finlay: It has been very slight. The Attorney-General: Yes. I do not think there has been a suggestion that it was improper. The only question was whether it was most convenient. Sir Robert Finlay: The Attorney-General says he does not think there was any suggestion that it was an improper place. The Commissioner: No, the suggestion was that it was an inconvenient place. The Attorney-General: That is exactly my view. The suggestion was that there might have been a better place found for it.