Page 122 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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21776. The men would be on articles when boat drills were to take place? - Yes, on sailing day. 21777. Would not they be subject to the ordinary law if they refused? - Yes. 21778. And you can summon them for refusing to obey the lawful commands of the Master at boat muster or drill? - We log them; the Government summon them. The Commissioner: You cannot stop the ship to summon a man. Mr. Lewis: I agree, my Lord, it is not always desirable to do that. Sir Robert Finlay: Not always. Mr. Lewis: But very often commanders do desire to give what they term an object lesson. The Commissioner: Do you suggest all the passengers are to be kept waiting while a couple of firemen are summoned? 21779. (Mr. Lewis.) My object is to try to ascertain whether they have really considered it desirable in the past to exercise those firemen. My evidence is they have not really bothered to any extent about the firemen in this matter. You are aware that the men themselves did make an application for a muster to take place the day before the sailing? - I am not aware of it. 21780. Are you acquainted with the methods of other companies? - No, I cannot say I am very much. 21781. Your experience, I suggest, is pretty wide? - Yes. 21782. Do you know anything about the Cunard Company? - I know a little about the Cunard Company. 21783. Can you tell me whether they have any difficulty with regard to their men? - I do not know. 21784. Do you know anything of the Royal Mail Company? - Not much. 21785. Do you know if they experience any difficulty with regard to mustering the men? - I do not know. 21786. Do you know anything of the Union Castle Company? - No. Mr. Lewis: I suppose the local manager will be called, and I will reserve my questions on that point. Examined by Sir ROBERT FINLAY. 21787. (Sir Robert Finlay.) I think Commander Lyon expressed the desire to have a list of the Charts and Sailing Directions and so on supplied to the “Titanic.” I have a list here. I think Captain Bartlett can identify it? (Handing the same to the Witness.) - Yes. 21788-9. Just hand that to Captain Lyon. (The same was handed.) - Messrs. Philips, Son and Nephew supply it. Re-examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Can you tell us what the number of effective deckhands was, counting in officers. There is some little confusion about it? The Commissioner: I make it 50. The Attorney-General: I make it 60, my Lord. It may be we include somebody as effective deckhands that your Lordship has ruled out. The Commissioner: No, I was only listening to his evidence. He began with 66, and then he crossed out, as I understood, 8. 21790. (The Attorney-General.) It is just that that I want to get clear from him. Will you tell me again of the 66 who are the eight you cross out? - There are two surgeons, two stewards, two window cleaners, and two masters-at-arms.