Page 123 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
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21791-2. You rule out the masters-at-arms, do you? - Yes. Well, that answers it. Then I agree, my Lord; it is clear now that it is 58. The Commissioner: With regard to the masters-at-arms. I am advised that they are generally seamen. The Attorney-General: According to our view they are. The Commissioner: And would not be crossed out. The Attorney-General: They are included according to our view. We made it 60 for that reason. The Commissioner: Apparently this gentleman thinks they are not included. The Attorney-General: Yes, we will soon ascertain. The Commissioner: I do not know that it is very important. The Attorney-General: No, as long as we know what is the point of doubt between us. (The Witness withdrew.) BERTRAM FOX HAYES, Sworn. Examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL. The Attorney-General: May I say with reference to this witness and the next they are Master Mariners who I am calling at the request of my friend, Sir Robert Finlay. I am going to call them and examine them pursuant to the course we have followed throughout, but I desire to guard myself against its being thought or being argued hereafter that I am in any way bound by what they are going to say, and, moreover, I shall contend at a later stage that, whatever their views may be on that particular point upon which I am calling them, they must be disregarded. With that reservation, I propose to ask them questions which I think will afford your Lordship some information which you may require. Sir Robert Finlay: It is highly necessary that these gentlemen should be called now, if they are going to be called at all, as they are sailing this week. I regard their evidence as extremely material, and, of course, I quite agree that the Attorney-General is not to be prejudiced in any argument hereafter by following the ordinary course of his putting the witnesses into the box. 21793. (The Attorney-General.) In any event, I agree with my friend to this extent, that your Lordship would desire to have the facts before you, whether it must be taken into account on one material point, which you will have to consider later, is another matter which we can argue then. (To the Witness.) You are a master mariner? - I am. 21794. You have held an extra master’s certificate since 1897? - Yes. 21795. You are also a Commander in the Royal Naval Reserve, Active List? - Yes. 21796. You went to sea originally, I think, in 1880 in sailing ships? - Yes. 21797. You joined the White Star Line in March, 1889? - Yes. 21798. You were two years in the New Zealand service and were then transferred to the Atlantic service? - Yes. 21799. As Fourth Officer of the “Teutonic” in 1891? - Yes. 21800. You were appointed Commander of the “Britannic” in 1899? - June, 1899. 21801. And, as I understand, you were three years in the transport service? - During the South African War. 21802. With that exception you have been in the Atlantic service ever since you were appointed as Fourth Officer of the “Teutonic” in 1891? - With the exception of one voyage to Australia, which is included in those three years. 21803. And two years, I think, you were in command of the “Laurentic,” a Canadian boat? -
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