Page 121 - British Inquiry into Loss of RMS Titanic Day 19 - 22
P. 121
21752. I suppose a junior officer will have calculations to make perhaps while on watch? - Some, yes. 21753. Some complicated calculations? - Yes. 21754. He may be required by the officer of the watch to find out the position? - He may, yes. 21755. Does not that require as clear a head as you can possibly have? - It does. 21756. Do you think a man is best fitted for that kind of work when he has only had four hours’ sleep? - Yes, he would be checked by others, remember. 21757. Do you think he would be better fitted for it if he had eight hours off and four on? - I do not think it is at all necessary. 21758. Do you think he would be better fitted for it? - No. Examined by Mr. LEWIS. 21759. I think you said that you had 66 in the Sailing Department on the “Titanic”? - Yes. 21760. And of that number 58 are what you term deckhands? - Yes. 21761. How do you make up that number? - There are 66 in the Sailing Department. Out of that you have to take two surgeons, two stewards, two masters-at-arms, and two window cleaners. 21762. Look-out men? - Look-out men are seamen. 21763. How many efficient able seamen would you have then? - I think she had 46 able seamen, counting look-out men and quartermasters. 21764. Have you counted lamp trimmers? - A lamp trimmer, yes. 21765. In the number you have left out? - No, he is a seaman; he is a deckhand. 21766. Now with regard to the difficulty you seem to have experienced with regard to boat drills, I take it that it is desirable, where possible, that the firemen should drill conjointly with the seamen and stewards? - I think it is a good idea, yes. 21767. When you have tried to muster the firemen have you made any attempt to drill them conjointly? - No, we have not. 21768. Why is that? - We have not had time yet. 21769. You consider it desirable, but you have not had time. Are you aware that the men themselves, the firemen, do desire to have boat drill, providing they are drilled with the other men in the ordinary way? - I have never heard of it. 21770. You have stated in your evidence that your Company made an offer at Southampton to the firemen of half a day’s pay. When was that offer made, and by whom? - I think I must refer you to our Marine Superintendent down at Southampton. He would know the exact circumstances. 21771. How could he make that offer? - I do not know. The Commissioner: Do you mean did he make it in writing, or what do you mean? 21772. (Mr. Lewis - To the Witness.) Would he make the offer in writing? - I am not certain. Surely you are acquainted with it. The Attorney-General: I am going to call him. 21773. (Mr. Lewis.) When the musters take place I take it the men are on the articles? - Yes. 21774. Of course, you could place firemen on the articles, and if they refused they would be liable to be summoned for disobeying the lawful commands of the Master, would they not? - They are liable, yes. 21775. Your Company has not refused on other accounts to take action against the men for refusing to obey the lawful commands of the master, have they? I want to know why, in this particular instance, if they think drills are desirable, and the men refused, they should not avail themselves of that same section of the Act? - I do not understand you.
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